Getting Dizzy Back

Storm came up to me. I was still drinking sake and listening about Dizzy and her pack of killing wolves. Then she told me about these Lunar Flowers. I didn't know what she was saying, but I agreed to help. Then Dizzy came to me.

"MUST HAVE SHINY STUFF!" She howled as she was destorying buildings. I came up to her.

"Before you kill me, I must tell you something. Although you hurt me, call me names, but mostly just hitting me with a hammer, I still love you. Here." I said as I put out a sparkling Lunar Flower. Dizzy stared at it. I put the flower into her hair. She touched it and cried. I saw her change back into her small 9 year old fox self. The rest of the Pack changed back as well. Dizzy was sleeping, holding the Flower close to her. I picked her up and put her in my messy, yet soft hair. Dizzy cooed as she dreamed. Wait a sec'. I have to do Raijuu a favor!

(Tora's House)
"Ugh! What time is it?" Tora stubbornly said. He check his watch. 12 noon. He looked at the window. A full moon was there.

"Well, might as go get something to eat..." Tora said as he went into his fridge. Nothing was there. He looked at the roof and screamed.

(Main Street)
I ate Tora up. He tatsed like fried fish. Yum! I got more sake. Wow, leaf village has a HUGE supply of sake. I then saw a tiny Kyuubi-Teme and Kai.

"Hey *hic* Teme!" I said smiling. Teme doesn't look mad. He's furious. Kai was a lil' sleepy and beaten up.

"You got to stop!" Teme yelled loud enough so I can hear.

"Why *hic*?" I asked smirking. Kyuubi slapped his forehead then went to Hachi for advice. Kai wanted to stay with me. I put him on my hair as well.

(My Mansion)
"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ" Yurikami and Misa snored. I woke them up a lil'.

"Big Brother?" Misa said, trying to see me. At least she's trying to find a way to not stay blind.

"Shukaku-Sempai, you're larger than ever!" Yuri-Chan exclaimed. I laughed, then picked up the both of them and put them in my hair.

(Kyuubi's House)
Teme was out of the house. Good! I ripped out his roof and found Chiyoko drying herself with a towel. I waved at her.

"Hi Chiyoko-Chan *hic*!" I said. Chiyoko looked up and saw me.

"Shu-Kun! You alright?" Chiyoko said. I nodded, then picked her up nice and gently. She went inside my shirt. That tickles. Heh heh..... I then went to another buffet.

Someone else please continue....

~Drunk Shukaku
