I walked along with Kyuubi. He took out a cigarette and began smoking it hard.
"You had better be offering me one," I said reaching out for one.
Kyuubi let out somewhat of a crazy laugh and gave me one. I breathed in and sighed out. Smoke wasn't that bad. It was better than what i was feeling then. It was as if I was less than alive and frozen in ice. I didn't care.
"Kai would laugh if he saw what you are doing to yourself," Kyuubi said breating in hevily.
"Yoko-chan you do the same to you," I answered.
We both laughed cruedly and continued on.
"Ssso ya going to tell me what'ssss up?" I asked.
"No, you are just going to have to trust me," Kyuubi said.
"That issss the last thing I am going to do," I answered.
"Fine. I'm going to kill Naruto," he answered.
"Taking the eassssy way out," I responded.
"Maybe..." Kyuubi answered.
Someone continue!