Wake up

I wake up and what i saw was horrible; everything was destroyed and suddenly, when i was trying to get up i saw Kyuubi-san, he was criying and i was very shocked. I then smell blood, alot of blood and i saw Hachi-kun in the floor
CRAP That was thew smell of his blood, i then saw Shukau-san and chiyoko-chan and Kai who was trying with all his effort to heal his brother...
I began to get up..
Im a real Baka BEginign the battle and i lose, then fainted and couldnt do anything to stop Kyuubi-san, If only he knew he had rescue most of us from a deep darkness; most of us had suffer in our pasts but then he appeared and offer us another way of living werree we all were happy...
If he dissapeared..all of us will fall again..Im sure we had all found new friends but to lost kyuubi-san...*sigh*
I arrived at the scene, I was really sad, seeing my friend hurt or dying was the worst thing ever; i got on my knees and began to use a healing technique that i had learned and helped KAi to heal Hachimata...I heard voices but i was not listenig to them, my eyes were like the time of the graveyard and i just wanted Hachimata to recover quikly so i kept silence....

