Mission Part 2

Meanwhile with Dizzy, Tobe, and Yami...

Tobe, Dizzy, and Yami continued to search Japan to find the demon bounty hunters, but unfortunately didn't have any luck so far. "Are you sure Kyuubi wasn't just trying to get rid of us?" Yami asked.

"I don't think Kyuubi would do that to us," Dizzy said.

"Yeah, besides, he's sure we can handle this mission. In fact, it should be easy even with him gone. We'll take care of this in no time," Tobe said.

"We haven't had luck on finding the bounty hunter yet though," Yami pointed out.

"I can find that bounty hunter's blood and scent from miles away," Tobe said confidently, "Besides, he also said the bounty hunter was a demon like us. Should be easy to handle."

"But what if he was just trying to ditch us?"

"You have to stop being so negative right now Yami," Dizzy said.

"Sorry, I just don't feel good today, in fact I feel like crap."

"What a pity," a new voice said.

The three looked around. A demon bounty hunter stood before them, a female demon to be exact. "I don't want to get bored. You better be good demons to fight."
