My Banner!! XD

Hey fellow Biju Club Members! I just finished a banner for the Biju Club since Dei-chan wanted one soo.... here! Mind you that I couldn't find my Black coloring pencil so I had to use a black sharpie PERMANENT marker! I marked myself with it and it wont come off! T^T so cruel! Anywayz I hope you guys like it.

From left to right:
Isonade, Asuka, Hachi, Suki, Kyuubi, Chiyoko, Taki, Storm, heart (for romance), Raijuu, Kokoro, Yuri, Shukaku (lol!), Misa, Houkou, Dizzy, and Swords (for action).

I know that some characters in this banner is died... and some are missing but I tried. It doesn't look like a Banner much but hey, I'm just a bad drawer. Teh Biju Club Together Forever! ^^
