What the Crap?

Kuuibi and I split up to look for Asura. The sun was rising, and I could smell sausage in the restaurant... My stomach growled lowdly.

Well, maybe she's in there. Of course, that was an excuse to get breakfast... I hadn't eaten in a while, for some reason. When I got in there, no Asura. But I got some eggs and an orange juice to give me energy. After my too-quick meal, I got back to the search.


The game room... Resaurant... Pool... The room... I was mentally checking off the places I searched in. I heard my stomach for the third time this afternoon. I forgot to eat lunch, and didn't have enough food at breakfast.

I'll go have dinner, then. I need a good meal. As I ran to the nearest buffet, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Koumori!" It was Asura! Forgetting my hunger, I quickly ran over.

"Asura! Where have you been? Kuuibi and I were looking everywhere for you!"

"I decided to look around." That's when I realized... That wasn't her chakra. This wasn't Asura. Someone was after the biju. How did this person know my name? I didn't recognise this aura. I tried to get away, but I was swallowed by black before I could move my feet.

someone please continue!! I've been reading too many mystery stories lately...^-^'

