first six on the pool deck

It was alittle cool outside but not too cold. it was just the perfect tempurature for hot tubs. THATS FOR DUTCH!! he shouted. Dutch ran back to his room after having 20 sausages and 15 peaces of bacon. I changed into a camo pair of swim trunks grabbed a towel and started off toward the pool deck. I walked to a deck chair and laid me towel over it. I walked over to the hot tub 15 feet away. I slowly sat into adjusting to the temperature. I havent felt so good sence i went to the hot springs back home. I sat there for a few minutes until. Until Hachi, Kai, shukaku, yuri, and Asuka came from a stare case on the side of the ship. I laughed and told them to come on in. The sun was still rising so it was an amazing to watch the sun rise together. They got in and we chatted for a while about the cruez so far and the party tonight. Just the Asura appeared from out of no where and scared the crap out of us.


some on out there continue
