Lobos Appears

I was finally coming to. The last thing I remember was finding Asura before blacking out.

How the hell did I black out?? I was really pissed. Did Asura do that? If she did, she was gonna get it. I sat up, expecting to be in my room on the ship. What I saw was completely different.

I didn't see anything. Just blue.

What's going on? Where am I? Then it clicked: I was captured. What was this place? I didn't remember it...

I brought you here. A request was given. a male voice thought. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, or how I heard him.

You are confused, I see. Here, let me show you what I am. In front of me was a beautiful wolf, the size of a horse. It had Sand-colored fur that seemed to glow. It enchanted me. I took a step forward, wanting to make sure it was real. The fur felt like... Fur.

A wolf the size of a horse? Impossible. I was more confused. I meant to speak, but the words came from my mind instead of my mouth.

Do not fret, young demon. At first, I was more confused than before. It knew what I was, but wasn't afraid? Confusion quickly gave way to understanding, than anger. This was the creature that took Asura. And me. I slid away, going into a fighting crouch.

Where is Asura?! I was angry. It could see that.

Your friend is safe. And please, stop calling me 'it.' My name is Lobos.
Lobos... I remembered that name. I couldn't put my finger on it... Where did I hear that name before? The regal wolf took a graceful stride towards me, closing the distance easily.

I am your brother. I finally remembered. But... My brother was taken my Orochimaru. He never came back. How was this possible?

I'm... I'm dead, aren't I? That's why I can see you. As I spoke, he shook his head.

You are not dead. I felt no reassurance in these words. You were taken my Orochimaru, as was your friend. He is taking the biju one my one.

Someone please continue!! Lobos is a character I made up for an original story, and decided to use him here.

