Dark... Who?

REACAP (its been a while since my last post...¬_¬)

I've gotta get outta here... I've gotta get out... I wailed in my head. But how? All of my ways to get out of places like this lied in my voice, and I couldn't use it. Damn Orochimaru... He did this on purpose. So I couldn't escape. I started pacing from one side of the room to another, searching for a way out.

When I would get into the center of the room, it felt like my voice came back. I decided to try. I hummed slightly...

"Yes! It worked!" Lobos jumped at my sudden outburst. He didn't expect to hear my voice. "We're bustin' out!"


After I said that? I don't know what happened. I opened my eyes to what must be a lab, or something... There was something standing over me. It looked like... Me. Only much, much more menacing. The girl above me must have been 17, or so. Her hair was pitch black, and her eyes were a glowing ruby red. Despite that, she looked sad, somehow. I was immediately distracted by a voice.

"Is she awake?" It was Orochimaru. I now knew what the girl was. She was my Dark.

"Yes." Despite the rage consuming me, I was able to register the misery hinted in her voice. She did not want to be here. Suddenly, a wave of pain overcame me, and the Dark had dissapeared. It was coming into me. I wanted to scream, but I held it in. I knew that was what he wanted to hear. A scream of agony. Just like 10 years ago... As quickly as it began, it stopped. I was now aware of another consience inside me. She was quite controlled, for a new Dark.

"Lobos," Orochimaru called him like he was a slave. I Didn't like it. Neither did she. "Take her back to the ship, along with her friend. Stay with her, and report back to me."

I was utterly confused. About what?

"He wants to know how long you last..." The miserable voice from earlier sounded in my head, the pain even more evident.

The next thing I knew, I was in my room on the ship. Asura was in her bed, sleeping. I wondered if I had dreamed the whole thing. Then, I heard the familiar, heavy breathing of sleep. Lobos was here. I gasped. So it did happen. I had a Dark. His eyes snapped open.

You're awake? He shouldn't stay like that. It would freak out everybody, even the bijus.

"You can turn back to human, you know. It'd be much more normal."

His ears pricked up.I must go. Fall asleep. I felt the air shimmer as he turned into his human form. That was unfair. He knew it made me sleepy.

"Stay, okay? Don't go back." He knew what I meant. But as I fell into unconsiousness, I heard his footfalls headed towards Kuuibi's room...

Someone please continue!!

Koumori: wow...never saw that coming. thogught he'd make the process more painful, knowing Orochimaru.
me: hey, i'm writin' the story, 'kay? so quit whining. =P
koumori: 'mnot whining...
me: ...aren't you supposed to be asleep? GO TO SLEEEP. *uses hypnosis to make her fall asleep*
koumori: *falls asleep*

~koumori & her dark
