Random Freakout Mode

Suddenly, I went into what I call, 'Random Freakout Mode.' It's really self-explanatory.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?! WHERE'S LOBOS?! OMG I LEFT ASURA IN THE ROOM BY HERSELF!! THIS ISN'T GOOD!!" I tried to get out of the bed to go back, but someone stopped me. I didn't recognise the voice.

"Koumori, you're in your room." I still didn't calm down. The voice was just about as panicked as mine. Then I noticed it was Giggles. She was panicked because she was afraid they would get rid of her. I turned around, glaring at all of them.

"NO," I said in the strongest voice I could manage. They all looked confused at this. Giggles said something that surprised me.

"Let me talk to them." Before I could answer, she was standing right next to me. This only freaked me out further: I had no idea she could do that.

"HOLY CHOCOLATE PARMASAN CHEESE PIE!!!!!" I accidentally hit my head on the door frame, and it knocked me out; AGAIN.

Someone please continue?
me: 'holy chocolate parmesan cheese pie' is actually a phrase i came up with.
koumori: jeez, why do i keep on getting knocked out?
me: it's for your own good...
koumori: ...

~koumori & Giggles
