Whoa... Deja Vu Moment

I was in full scale panic as I ran away from my long-lost friend. I didn't even know why I was running. Whipping past humans and bijus alike, I swore there was a sound of wings, but dismissed it as birds. That was a HUGE mistake. At about the fifth time the sound came, there was a sudden smell of blood coming from the caves. It wasn't a humans.
I changed my direction with him still on my tail, not caring if he followed or not. The scent was overpowering. Usually, this would deter me, but maybe knowing it would be a biju erased all of that from my mind... Reaching the spot, I saw Kokoro on the ground, blood coming from her mouth.

My eyes widened with horror. "KOKORO!" There was a strange presence, but I blew it off as an animal, or something. "what happened?!" I was on the edge of hysteria. She wouldn't answer. Picking her up gently so I could take her back to the hotel, Alistar broke through the forest.

"What the hell happened?!" His voice was furious. I knew what he was thinking.

My teeth ground together in fury. "Shut up," I growled. "It wasn't me. I don't know what happened. I would appreciate it if you would get out of the way, so I can take her back to the hotel."

My hostility surprised him. "O..kay."

He actually followed me back. I didn't CARE. I took Kokoro to Raiju, knowing he would get her to a hospital or something. He could read the annoyance in my eyes, but barely registered it, from his expression.

As soon as Alistar and I were out of earshot(it was a long way away), I spun around, and growled, "What do you want?"


...er...yeah, a lot of dramaticness. o_O

~annoyed kou
