rescue SHUKAKU

we decided to go find shukaku.Raijuu turned into a weasol and i sprouted wings. gothica and him hopped on my back and we flew off to the island. we saw a couple of darks getting close to shukaku and we attacked them. Gothica and raijuu held them back as i put shukaku on my back. i shouted for them and before i knew it they were shouting on my back. " GO! GO! GO!" I got a running start and took off. we were so low the waves were splashing us slightly. Me and gothica were laughing. we landed and couldnt wake shukaku so we places him in the drop zone for the big bucket at the water tower. It came down on him like a tidel wave and he flew up. Me and riajuu were on the ground hold our ribs and kickin our legs. WE couldnt stop laughing. HE turned into full demon and flung us into the pool but we were still laughing. kokoro came out and found us. we told shukaku, "your mate went with some dude to another demention to be crownd princess or something" he exploded and started shouting death treats to who ever too yuri and i got him a drink. HE calmed down. We talked to him and the rest of us ung out by the pool till kyuubi and suki found us.

the group

someone continue. this my second try posting this. have fun posting every one! ^ ^
