Uhhhhhhh... Akward...

Sokou ran off before anything got too serious, but I could care less. I was ticked off, no questions asked. Turning to Alistar, I said/yelled.

"Are. You. Crazy?! First you almost kill a club member, then you pick a fight with another one!" All he did was look the other way. "Answer me!" I said through my teeth. Without warning, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer, he kissed me. My eyes widened.
Oh. My. Gosh! When did this happen?! needless to say, I was shocked. It took me a while to realize that THIS WAS NOT A DREAM. Kissing back, I threw my arms around his neck, completely caught up in the moment. Alistar was schocked, and didn't have time to recover. Lobos broke through the woods, and saw us together. Embarrased, I pulled away and put my arms at my sides.

Lobos got over his shock quickly, and it turned into anger. "What the heck just happened?!" alistar and I glanced at eachother before saying:

"We don't know." Our voices were in unison.


Yeah, this was written in the early morning so sry if it sucks.

~Kou's First Kiss
