
The dance was going off without a hitch.The happy couple enjoyed a few waltzes and talked with friends like they were in high school.I on the other hand preffered to be alone for the night.While everyone danced and drank the night away I had snuck away to the balcony to watch the sky.

"Rei where are you?"asked Nibi looking around for me.

She was the one who drug me here after I insisted to rest up from my trip back home.This had been her way of punishing me for not calling home for so long.I played a tune on a flute our mother gave me when we were young that got her attention.

"There you are."she said stepping outside.

She was wearing a snow white ball gown that used to belong to mother.

"Why aren't you dancing or talking with anyone?"she asked stepping towards me.

"Don't come any closer."I said turning away from her,"You know how that dress makes me feel."

"But Rei-"she said before I stopped her.

"You also know I don't fit in well when it comes to parties."I said looking down at the flute in my hand,"The reason I hate this one is because there are to many new faces."

I played a small tune on the flute before she spoke again.

"Come on its not that bad."she said smiling,"Besides you need to meet new people."

"Why so I can get my heart broken again by someone I love?"I asked in a painful tone.

Her eyes dropped when I said that.

"Rei I'm just trying to help you mkae good memories with new friends."she said stepping towards me.

"I SAID STAY BACK."I yelled.

My voice caught the attention off the party.

"Rei,I-"she said before I interupted.

"If you want to help then help me by leaving me to wallow in my own loneliness."I said,"I never asked anyone to help me."

"Hey don't talk to your family like that."said Ichibi.

"Stay out of this you worthless sand rat."I said glaring at him.

He clenched his fist retaining his self-control.

"I'm out of here."I said walking away towards the door.

"Is this the person Miyu fell in love with?"said Kyuubi.

A shock went through my body at the mention of her name.Miyu was an old love of mine who died from an illness sometime before I left.She was the whole reason I never returned.Instantly I rared back and punched Kyuubi square in the face.

"What was that for?"he asked holding his face.


When I finally snapped back I turned ran straight through the door.Who was I kidding coming back to this place.It just wasn't home without her here anymore.
