The Eve was GREAT. I played from liek 6 to 10 after fail homework! :D
and in that time, RockS accepted my couple proposal ingame. 8D
Just as friends. LOL
After that, his eye hurted and he left, so dad called out to do... FIREWORKS :D
I litted up them and took the failest pictures. My brother did too! :O
My phone took them two seconds after I pressed the button, so I had to guess. Then we came back at 10:50, and I played Osu. :D
Then at 11:51... "TIME TO GO SLEEP!"
Well I couldn't sleep, since I heard so many fireworks. x.x So I waited until my alarm clock said 12:00. Then told my pencil, "Happy 2010." lol o___o;;
Then in the morning, I wake, eat breakfast and draw, and mom comes to tell me "stop drawing, do your homework"
HOMEWORK ON NEW YEARS!?!?!? *criess* Mann I planned to go outside or something.. its raining anyway. '3';
Happy 2010 everyone.