post 18 - miku-ry fluids filing meh lungs......

As teh title says, i'm now having a sleepless night again, n i hafta wake up earlier tomorrow... But i got yet another haruhi vid tho. Here it ish :

Haruhi Suzumiya live-action drama, anyone? *asks whereami461, but got mikuru-beamed instead* uhhh, i got teh answer already, ami....

WTF, meh hands tell meh to type up sumtin' b4 i even want to let meh body rest, so that it won't keep me awake for teh rest of teh night. Now imma sleepy enough to go 'out cold' for teh entire day..... So, BYE!!!!!!!!! *wavies*

(wow, its 2:45 AM again.....)

pic 3rd :

Teh mouth of a nearby river outside meh campus
