post 20 - BDAY TIMEHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[DATE:JULY 15...]

lol, late bday post, should kill meself for this sin.... *cocks gun but has run out of bullets* nuuuuu..........

Well, this ish one helluva day. Yesterday me dun celebrate meh bday, so suck..... N i spent meh celebrating time in teh theO chats... O.o
Addict much....

But i do celebrate yesterday with one heckuva move XDDD!!! I went n started a shutdown command on EACH ONE of da comps in da computer lab, getting teh lab lady confused a few minutes afterwards. I used a remote control software named "remote des- I'm not gonna tell whut it is, n typed this code in teh 'run' menu of each comp :

---> shutdown /s /t 13370 /c "SHUTTING DOWN!!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" <---

Try it urself on ur comp, if u dont kno whut this do yet XDDD *hears lots of ppl crying*. BTW, teh cancelling code ish "shutdown /a". K, thats all, am enjoying teh moment from yesterday n going out tonight to celebrate much. BYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

photo time :

teh serenity.....
