post 22 - ami's bday.....

LOL, its a long time since I touched teh trusty Photoshop. Meh comp got reformatted sumtime ago, n all proggies r wiped out. I hafta reinstall Photoshop CS2 several days ago with sum new cra- *COUGH!*. Man, thats a good relief. Anyway, teh funny thingie ish that teh first thing i did when i re-relaunch teh program ish to make ami sumtin for his bday, yesterday... *fish-smack* Well, sorry ami...

So, turns out me still got sum brane juice in meh head to make wallies n stuff. Meh card for ami, posted here bcoz its too big to fit at teh eCard section :



Hows it? Here's teh story :

In the near future, when Knight of Zero, Kururugi Suzaku is fighting the defected remnant of The Knight of Rounds, and its soldiers, he received a mysterious signal from one private encrypted channel. Apparently, the broadcaster managed to decrypt the supposedly secure channel in 5/37th of a second. Curious, Suzaku viewed the channel from an overhead M-OLED screen. The identification of the channel is known only as 'H5-505'.

A mysterious woman appeared on screen. Identifying herself as 'Code-H5', the woman revealed that the world he's in right now is but a matrix of data, created by a hypercomputer. She also has the power of 'Matrix Geass', the power necessary to release Suzaku from the world matrix. Suddenly, everything around him stopped moving, except for his body, and everything is glowing green. Thinking that there's nothing left to do, he obliged with H5's command, to look her right into the eyes......


Well, to be continued? I dunno, am very tired right now, n wanna go to sleep. Oh, n btw, the cockpit up n down position wit empty screen template ish downloaded from some website. If u wanna one, contact me.

Until then, BYYYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: Its 5 AM here when imma writing this...
Wait, scratch that, 5:15 AM.....
