post 25 - nationwide university lockdown!

THIS. GOT. TO. BE. THE. MOST. EXTREME. MEASURE. THE. MALAYSIAN. GOVERNMENT. HAS. TAKEN. Meh university, along wit about 20+ other branch universities under teh same name of UiTM, has been closed as of today, for a week, until 1 August 2009. N we're supposed to vacate teh university grounds within 3 days, or we'll be 'locked-down' too. Thanx God, meh fren here ish informed early n he went to buy me n himself sum tickets home, n by teh next several hours, teh main tickets of all direct line, from here to meh home state, ish sold out. Tickets here sure run out early, eh?

NOW WHUT!? Me can't go overnight n chat at home, bcoz dad's a bit strict about that... N i wanna learn as much as I can, in a REASONABLE time frame. Not crammed in tons of f-ing NIGHT CLASSES!!! All teh classes won't effing DISSOLVE themselves into THIN AIR!!!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn paranoid ppls..... It's in 1 univ, n they closed ALL univs they can!!??? They can just close that 1 univ only, END OF PROBLEM!!!! Damn, damn, damn, DAmn, DAMN, DAMN!!!!!!!!!! *pants* *pants*

Hmmm, enuf rantings for today, imma out of here. BYEE!!!!!!!!!

