post 31 - SECRET ANIME CON WISH!!!!!

Imma planning something big this year, n i might do it alone, secretly, without telling my parents. Im currently searching for any anime conventions in Malaysia, and preferably in the capital, nearby citites within 200 km radius, or my home state's capital city. Guess what i'd do.... I REALLY, REALLY BADLY WANNA GO ANIME CONVENTIONS!!!!! I WANNA GO, COME HELL OR HIGH DOLLAR!!!!

Ive prepared a budget max of RM 400 [USD$ 114.20, its enough tho] , excluding ticket prices, n since it will be a day trip, i'll buy tickets b4hand, bcoz i dun really have relatives there at the capital (except if the rumors where my sis went n stayed there after running away from home was true). Maybe I could ask 'gdaneqa' to guide me around, since its uber-complicated there. But then, i dun have her mobile phone no. anymore. Stupid phone thief...... Guess I hafta email/theO msg her for her phone no...

Wait, I think I got one... Hmmm, GACC? Heard of it before...
Btw, teh website i for the con that has only 6 days (6 DAYS!?) b4 launching :


Shuttle bus provided from KL Sentral (capital) to Malacca (con place)

MY FOCUS : "Treasuring our GACC tradition, GACC2009 has no entry fees and open to all. Children below 10 must be accompanied by an adult guardian."

N IMMA 18!!!! XDDD

Dunno ur views, plz comment, anyone? Especially to anyone from Malaysia that have gone to one. K? thats all, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *goes to remove all file from phone memory to make up for pic n vid space*
