post 38 - A Haruhi Suzumiya WIP Card.

Uhhh, I just wanna ask sumtin. I got a few tonnes of brushes n custom shapes in the course of 2-3 weeks ago, n decided to try using the fractal brushes for meh first time today. But then, I got stuck at here :

I feel sumtin's wrong with the rasengan ball there (yep, a Haruhi Rasengan) n started to find tuts n stuff. But mostly, its crap n not what I've expected. The one that I found here is kinda good enough for me, but i can't understand a thing, until tokey (touketsusharingan)came along n translated it for me, but it's still not comprehensible enough. Anyway, thanx tokey for helping meh out. I'll try to dedicate another card for u.....

Meh, I'll just combine teh tuts then, much easier....

P/S : Its a proto-rasengan, that is, its a rasengan that haven't formed fully yet.

K, imma going nao, bye!!!

EDIT : the card's for Haruhi712
