RVB Song Meme

4. Meg's Hair - Thomas Newman (from the Little Women soundtrack)
Donut whimpered as another lock of his hair fell to the ground. "Try to make it look okay, please!" he begged the person with the scissors.

Grif smirked. "It's not my fault you caught your hair on fire."

Donut tried not to sob. "My beautiful hair is goooooooone!"

"Oh shut up, you pussy."

5. Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu [Tucker/Doc]
Doc felt like the new kid at school, only he felt much, much worse than that. He'd basically been thrown out of Blue Base, and now Red Base didn't want him, either.

Nobody even knows who I am... he thought sadly as he trekked to the caves, where he could get some peace and quiet, and maybe cry a little.

There was a little lake in the middle; he stared down into his reflection, watching as it rippled into oblivion with the first teardrop. He sniffed a few times, rubbing his eyes to prevent himself from crying any more. I'm in the army, this is how they treat people...

"Whoa, I didn't know someone was already in here," came a voice from behind him.

Turning, Doc saw the teal soldier -- Tucker? -- staring awkwardly at him.

"Are you okay, man?" he asked gruffly.

Doc smiled. "I'm okay now..."

"That's good." Tucker reached up and pulled off his helmet slowly, shaking out dark chestnut locks framing a smooth brown face. Doc felt his heart jump slightly, and tried to keep himself from blushing.

"Mind if I hang out with you?"

"Of course not..."

I always thought he was the nicest one.

6. Hare Hare Yukai (C64 Remix) - PixlCrushr (from Newgrounds)
"Go left! No, right! God, you're screwing it up!" Grif shouted at Simmons, pushing him out of the way so he could take the joystick. He maneuvered the schoolgirl through some complicated dance moves with the expert hand flicks of someone who'd practiced the game a lot.

Simmons smirked. "You're really good at this, aren't you?"

"Shut up, it's a video game," Grif muttered, then posed along with the girl at the end of the song, grinning with his victory.

7. Axel F - Crazy Frog
"ARGH! IF I HEAR THAT SONG ONE MORE TIME I'M GOING TO FUCKING MURDER SOMEONE!" Church exploded as the techno song flooded the hallways of Blue Base for the fiftieth time that day.

"Nah, you like it!" Tucker shouted back, cranking the volume even louder. He 'ding, ding'ed along with the weird voice in the most annoying way possible.

"AAGH!" Church flung Tucker's door open, not caring that it made a heavy crunching noise as it collided with the concrete of the wall. He stalked toward where Tucker sat flabbergasted next to his stereo, and stabbed a finger into the other Blue's chest.

"Turn this shit off. NOW."

"But I wanna keep listening--"

"TURN IT OFF NOW!" Church commanded, and when Tucker flinched but didn't move, he unplugged the blasted thing himself. The cord ripped in two and made a satisfying crackling noise.

"You broke my stereo, fucktard."