A dance with memory

Hmmm...It's my first fan-fiction so don't flame me. Oh, also, I did not follow the original game plot religiously, it's a fan-fic so I loosened up a little. In other words, not all information I provide here is correct or will correspond with the original game/ character design/plot. Well, enough talk. Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VII and all the characters rightfully belong to SquareEnix. None of it is mine, I’m just doing a fan-fiction.

Sypnosis: Reno was assigned to guard to president's son.
Chapter 1

The grim darkness covered the city, one could not tell the hour of the day just by looking. Midgar was once different, or least, that was what the older citizens said. Reno never knew the Midgar they spoke, ever since he entered Shin-Ra, he had familiarized himself with the bars, alleyways and general grimness of the place and it was impossible for him to view Midgar otherwise. If there was a place where light seem to have a stronger hold over darkness, it would be the Church and a home which belonged to a girl named Aeris. That, however, was not in the top list of Reno’s ‘to-do’ list and he decided that it would be best to not think about matters that were of no concern to him. Right now, what mattered most was the deal his boss, Tseng, asked him to take care of. “Deal?”, the word did not seem appropriate thought Reno as he adjusted his fringe, “the word ‘threat’ would have been more appropriate. ‘Deal’ is word only Tseng uses when he holds a knife to someone’s throat while demanding them money.” Reno grinned as a mental image of his boss threatening a man with a knife surfaced.

The door creaked open and Reno was brought back into reality. A large figure, adorned in flashy colours came through the opening. “Hoo,hoo,hoo. Well, if it isn’t the TURKS. What do you want this time? Did you bring me a beauty?” Don Corneo, rocked back and forth on his feet which Reno thought was a stark contrast to his body size. Three bodyguards planted themselves on the ground behind Don Corneo, their eyes sharp and their muscles tightened and ready to defend their boss should there be a need. It was a bothersome assignment and he could not believe that Tseng would assign such a job to him, even after proving himself a worthy TURK for the last 3 missions.

Reno lighted a cigarette; the illumination from the match turned a small portion of his well-carved face gold in a quick flash before the darkness surrounded him once more. “Let’s not waste my time Don, I need that document now.” Reno stood up and walked towards the large figure. This is the man Tseng is depending on?

“Hoo hoo, come on, there is no need to rush, no need to rush.”

“Perhaps you are tired of running this business of yours?”, Reno blew out a puff of smoke onto Don’s face and turned around to look at his surroundings. The Red cloth, Gold pillars lined with green dragons and candles, it is the epitome of bad taste. Don Corneo was still hesitant and Reno was getting impatient. He took another puff; “Give it to me” Reno signed as he took out his magnetic rod and pointed it at Don who panicked at the sight of it. The bodyguard behind Don Corneo reacted immediately to this threat and charged at Reno.

The first attack came, Reno dodge it , it came again and Reno dodged it again. “This is getting boring.” Reno complained as he thrust all three bodyguards with his electro rod, knocking them unconscious. “Now, back to business,Don Corneo.” Reno now turned his attention to the large figure which was crawling away, like a frightened squirrel. Don Corneo caught Reno’s stare and tripped over the carpet as he tried to run away.

“H-hey, all right, all right. I-I’ll give it you; I’ll give it to you. Please don‘t-harm me” Don Corneo pleaded.

“There, see. Isn’t that easier?” Reno grinned as Don Corneo dug into the inner pocket of his coat.

“Here, take it.” He gave Reno a slip of paper. It was green, a little stained though. With what? Reno rather not think about it and stuffed the paper into his pocket. Another job well done, maybe after this, Tseng might consider him for promotion or a better job. Reno knelt down beside a terrified Corneo who determined yet afraid to display his unhappiness with the treatment he had received. Reno knew this but it was too much trouble to deal with, let his unhappiness be another’s problem. A TURKS’ job was not to consol.

Reno left Don Corneo’s mansion with the material he came to retrieve and headed back to report the matter to Tseng. Rude was waiting outside. “Hey, we’re done here.” Reno shouted and waved his hand at Rude who nodded back in response.

Back in the mansion, Don Corneo wiped his perspiration and heaved a sigh of relief. Although he was glad that his business could still go on, he did not appreciate the mistreatment he had just received. The very recollection of having to submit to Shin-Ra’s demands made his heart burn with rage. Shin-Ra will pay, they will, thought Don Corneo as he lay back on his chair.