The legends of the sins pre-date the organization of the Church and Dante. The sins were fables and told to children to teach morals. The great majority of these old fables are lost. Credit for bringing the sins back into light was Dante Alighieri, with his books like Inferno and The Divine Comedy. I'm not excatly sure which of the sins he inclueded but I know it wasn't all ten, at least not all at once. The Church takes credit for the sins now. When they first took the idea they docked off cenodoxia, apathia, and maerens. They're now trying to get some of the strangest things inducted as a deadly sin, like polygomy and homosexuality, but everyone who sees this will know that there are only ten deadly sins; gula, luxuria, acedi, avaritia, invidia, ira, superbia, cenodoxia, apathia, and maerens. The sins the Church preach and take credit for are the Church sins. The Church was also the force that came up with the seven heavenly/cardinal virtues. Truth be told, all of their seven are to fight off only superbia and cenodoxia, no matter what they say. Those are the two most powerful. But the seven heavenly virtues don't really have anything to do with the ten dealy sins from the lost fables. It looks like this is going to be a short post for today.
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