Gula (Gluttony)

Hello again everyone! It's that update that I said I'd have. It took a few days longer than expected to organize all the research. I've discovered something though, while the deadly sins are centuries and centuries old, the information on them remains brief. Never the less, I give you the information that I know in the easiest way possible.

1: excess in eating and/or drinking
2: greedy or excessive indulgence

In the first of ten spots there is gula, the deadly sin of over-eating. Gula was a way for the people of yesterday to teach their children about proper eating. It's a very quick and to the point sin. Don't pig out, it isn't proper.

Today everybody is a practicer of gula in some way. I know that when I'm pulling an all night movie or TV show marathon with my friends I'll stuff my face. Some things are better with insane amounts of food.

Gula gets the first spot because it is seen as the most unharmful of the ten sins. I guess the kind of gluttony that truly represents gula is when you put your need for food over the needs of others. This makes gula greed related. As time goes on you'll steadily see that all ten deadly sins are interelated.

"He is like a pig!"
I've heard people wonder about the origins of that simple phrase. It falls back to the sin, gula. The representory animal of gula is the pig. Long ago, man was the representory gender. None of the sins are truly gender orianted but when someone thought gula, they thought man. Sorry guys. The color of this sin is orange.

Gula, Legendary from "Odds"

Over the years, seven of the ten sins have gripped writers. Books, TV, movies; countless have been written with some form of the sins. Dante's Inferno, a classic book about seven of the ten sins. Seven, a movie about seven of the ten sins. Fullmetal Alchemist, a television show that has seven of the ten sins as characters. These are just an example of each.

I must be getting to "work". The next sin will be luxuria (lust). This one will take a little more time. If you're a practicer or just hold this one in value, check back here in a week for an update to see when luxuria will be uncovered.

Thanks for stopping in and have a fantasic day/afternoon/night.

