I'm one of those very few people who are elaborate, complex, and unpredictable. One of those types you'd get to know better if you knew them personaly. The type words can't describe. The type not even I can describe, I envy the people I know because they know what to say about themselves.
Personaly I've tried millions of times to create the perfect introduction, but I've ended in failure. I can never satisfy myself with what I have written. I'll write something one day and believe it's what I want to say about myself or what I want people to know, but then I'll end up deleting it the next day because It doesn't fully express who I am. It doesn't say what I wan't it to say. I can write about who I am all I want, but you'll probably only know one side of who I am.

All I can really tell you is that I'm sixteen and I'm still finding myself :/

Down Hill: Crash and Burn

Latley I've been neglecting some of my other "not-so-important" responsibilities. Occasionally I've been online to check on notifications or what's new, but I haven't been very productive. So I apologize for that :/
I'm dying for summer to begin only because I've delt with so much stress both academicly and athleticly that I need a very long breather..a very very very long breather. Fortunatley for me, I'll be less busy next year. I'll be quitting softball thankfully. I'm done with the politics that goes on in the background and I'll finally be leaving my pain-in-the-ass teamates. Good-bye scholarship though. It's a marathon I have to keep up for eleven weeks. BLEH

Ode to sake and "I hate you"

So I'll drink my troubles away - sake!sake!
Yeah I'll drink my troubles away - sake!sake!
Becuase you've given me a hellish day, but I thank you because you've given me a reason to drink my troubles away - sake! sake!

Yeah... I had the intentions of ranting about what had happend, but long story short: I had a hellish day (:


Theotaku was a starting point, leaving me standing in between two paths; Which ever path I choose will determine what the future will hold in store for me.

I'm at the point where I'm getting closer to making one of the biggest decisions in my life. Recently I've been looking back at the past projects I've done relating to art and latley I haven't been able to focus on anything else but photographing, drawing, making pots, etc...
It's bringing back memories and I've never put so much time and effort to anything like this before. Basicaly I'm reconsidering what I want to do with my future. I don't want to look back ten years from now and regret the choices I've made. Right now you can say I'm a bit fearful. In the future, I want to be able to support myself and do my job with pride. But that's not to say I don't want to have fun in what I do. Anyways... I'm getting side tracked from the point I'm trying to make: Below is a link to one of my photo albums that contain some pictures I have taken. If your curious and have the time, feel free to take a look and give me some feedbacks. I'd really like to know what you guys think, and It would really help alot because I'll be hearing the opinions of people I do not know.

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Rant: Yaoi fangirls

(Im guaranteeing I will be recieveing massive amounts of hate mail, hahaha..)

I could be mature about this, I could ignore it and forget about it, but instead, I'm going to waste time and believe ranting and complaining about how much I hate Yaoi fangirls will make them disappear.
Okay, so I don't hate them but I'm extremely annoyed by them. The constant high pitch screaming and awkward maoining gives me the chills and the urge to punch someone in the face. I'm at a boiling point, at the edge of losing my equanimity. Perhaps I have already fallen off the edge and I've hit rock bottom face first, only to pick myself up red-cheecked with the mission of eliminating such nuisance from the world. But, I know in reality, that will never happen. Instead all I can do is share with you my opinions and reasons for why I express such anger towards them. I have friends who go nuts for SasuXNaru and other shōnen-ai pairings. Honestly I don't mind it, but when it becomes continous and each day becomes consumed by nothing but conversations of how cute of a couple they make, or how gay they are for each other, I draw the line. Now, don't assume that because I'm not into Yaoi, I'm against people who are same sex oriented. I am not! Hell, gay pride all the way! What I am trying to say, is that there are other worthwhile things to talk about. Theres no need to keep bringing up the subject of e.i Naruto is gay for Sasuke (which he isn't). So no disrespect to the fangirls that worship Yaoi and their Yaoiness. I just feel they need to give up in convincing me Yaoi is the way to go. BS for all I care. Overall, it's one of those things not worth mentioning around me, as well as losing friends over.
