Running Away

Running away wasn't all that hard for me, but then again running takes some energy out of you, but I'll recap my escape. Well, I frst grabbed my belongings and packed them in my bag. No one seemed to notice me in the lab area so I acted natural and started to walk calmly down the hall. Still no one noticed and that was a good thing if anyone did I was done for I was like a precious jewel to them and if I was gone then it would be mass cahos through their eyes. Soon, I was in the clear, but then a nurse saw me and asked where I was going. I had to think quick, I had to get rid of her but make no noise. She walked up to me and then I struck a nerve on her neck with two of my fingers. She soon fell to the ground, her body lied still. Then, I pushed the revolving door and walked out into the open world. There was no one only the desolate landscape...I guess it was the afrter math of war and bloody batles, I looked around and there was nothing...only darkness...and only me.
