Hello and welcome to cleo's world this is a blog about my orginal character cleo kingsly. She's a bit of a narsassist ah who am i kidding she's the biggest narsacisst on the planet.Anyway just enjoy the life of this narcasstic kitty!

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good morning peasants~! guess what ok i have this old psp right well it' not that old but i lost its battery and memory stick so its dead and stuff so anyway im getting a new battery and memory stick today and i already got a bunch of otome games for it so yeah im really excited also i've been progressing fast but i got stuck on the grammar and since my whole family doesnt approve of me learning japanese i cant ask them for money so i can buy a japanese grammar book so that sucks and also once i get my psp fixed i'm gonna download a bunch of anime so i can watch on the down low since i'm banned from watching or looking at anything anime related so my life is AWESOME!! i can't say it sucks cuz it doesnt alot of people are probably thinking "what?! no anime your life sucks ass!" or something like that but honestly i'm just really happy that even got as far with anime as i did so yeah また ね~!(see you next time~!)

blah blah too lazy to think of a title...

good evening peasants~! omg i had a kind of epiphany kinda thing anyway i started like anime and manga and stuff in 5th grade and now i'm in tenth grade anyway i was wondering what i did before anime and manga I've been trying hard to remember all morning but my awesomeness is tired and my head hurts from thinking to hard and lying upside down on the couch... anyway in case i never told anyone i am a muslim and tommorow is ramadan and im going to be fasting so what better way of distracting myself than watching anime for many long hours but i do that anyway so it might not be any different anyway... if you can remember what did you use to do before anime? comment or send me a message~~~ i already gave up so yeah see you later hopefully~!

Good morning peasants ~!

おはよございます~! (Good morning~!) peasants who has watched the first episode of FREE! OMG it was awesome i mean come on hot shirtless guys with very tight swimming shorts how can you resist ok so a funny thing happened while I was watching FREE! Ok so I have headphones on while I'm watching right so my mom can't hear anything that I'm hearing so she sees me fangirling so she obviously wants to see what I'm watching so she looks over my shoulder and sees to guys taking off their shirts at the same time so she's over thinking dirty thoughts and stuff while all of this is happening I didn't even know she was there and me being dumbass paused the show right while there are two very hot half naked guys on the screen when I see mom the first thing that came to mind and keep in mind I said this outloud " it's not porn" all she did was say "mhmm" and takes my laptop away I'm using my sisters iPod right now but she doesn't know it. Honestly I think she's secretly watching it so yeah that was a weird and awkward position to be in but who cares anyway I'm still awesome so まあた ね~! ( See you later~!)

what up

hello peasants~! in case your wondering I've been in a good mood today and i just feel awesome i mean i'm always awesome but I've had a hard couple of weeks so yeah~! also I've recently been hanging out on twitter i mean like I've had one for a while but i was too awesome to use it people i was feeling bad for the other peasants they might be to amazed my awesome abilities of looking irresistible anyway if you have a twitter follow me and stuff
@hikella14 see you later peasants~!

:( *grows mushrooms in a corner*

こんばんわ~! peasants i have bad news you know that one convention i was going to go to i can't go anymore even though i was planning this since semptember last year i can't find a ride to the convention so i was excited and stuff for no reason the anime convention is tomorrow by the way. the only upside of my day was i downloaded the otome game starry sky spring with english translation so im playing that and being all depressed and stuff so yeah bye....