Hello and welcome to cleo's world this is a blog about my orginal character cleo kingsly. She's a bit of a narsassist ah who am i kidding she's the biggest narsacisst on the planet.Anyway just enjoy the life of this narcasstic kitty!

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voice acting seems hard!!!

omg i want to do voice acting but i don't think people can handle my awesome voice so i'm thinking of dropping the idea nyan~.i feel like if i do voice acting all the guys would drool over my amazing voice i mean come on they already think i'm irresistible nyan~! well goodnight nyan~! see you tomorrow!

My first awesome post nyan~!

Hello I'm Cleo the narsassitic neko I'm here to blog about myself and everything that happens in my amazing life nyan~!
My first post will be about my amazing cat ears nyan~ everyone thinks its fake but those are only the lowly peasants who don't deserve my attention well I'm not going to get into details nyan~ but yeah so that's part of my life story there's more but I'm tired so good bye peasants nyan~!