guess what peasants i'm writing a book because i'm awesome like that. Anyway the book is called Gemini syndrome and here's the plot/summary of the story:
The government has become corrupt.Freedom to express has been taken away. Everyone has to dress the same and have their hair the same way.Only black and brown hair was allowed. If anyone decided to break the rules they would be sent to reform school a government run academy for "delinquents" Now all over the nation twins are being gathered up.Every 2 years two pairs of twins are taken away by the government. The government needs them so they can make them into assassins and work as spies. The only reason they used twins was because they have a special gene in their body that can be manipulated to make more twins. One day two 15 year old teens by the names of Iris and Nikolai decide to start a revolution by sending a secret letter to all twins in the nation asking them to join their revolt.
so if you like it here's the link to the first chapter:
and please support the story by simply reading it i really want to get published
