Welcome to OC Universe! This is an RP group where you can have your OC interact (rp) with other OC's! If you wish to join, please fill out the profile and PM us, and we will look it over and you can join! We'll be glad to have you here! The more, the merrier!

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finished....rp anyone?(closed)

what:brayan finshed a thing and needs help putting it in something.
who:brayan,playback,edson wanyone who can join
when:till it gets boring
have fun c:

is this really happening? rp anyone? (closed)

what:brayan is tinkering with something having removed the devil fruit and ability from his body and now well something odd is happening.
when:untill it gets boring.
open:fantasy only.
where:brayan's workshop,then possibly out into the gardens or the newly made training area bout the size of a football staduim.

Park Play-Day (RP CLOSED)

What: The kids have a play date! And Reka has something he wants to ask...
Who: Reka, Taki, Naoyuki, Dewey, Jessie, Ozzy, Iven, Kile, Kenszhin, Zeran
Where: Park
When: Starting later today
Type: Closed, Fantasy/Realism

Trouble of Another Sort -- (RP CLOSED)

(My turn to be ready with an idea on the same day an RP gets posted. XD)

What: Kita and Reka are in trouble with their bosses because of their intervention in the Kaita village (see the RP here).
Who: Kita, Reka, Al, Kenszhin, Playback, Edson
When: Starting tonight (01/20), max duration of one week from start date
Type: Limited, Fantasy/Realism

In Trouble!! -- (RP CLOSED)

Kita: *fishes Reka out of the water* You okay?! Reka!

Reka: *shivering and coughing up water*

Kita: Crud, this is bad..! *picks up Reka and tries to carry him elsewhere*


Who: Kita, Reka, whoever wants to join
Where: just out of town, near the nature trails and orchard
When: from today, for a max duration of one week (01/15)
Type: Open, Fantasy/Realism