Profile of creshendeath

Profile of creshendeath

height:3-4 ft 11
weight:3 tons(mostly gems that end up in his fur)
apperance:grayish black blue fur,eye color changes every 6 seconds,huge right claw morphed from a mutation from when he became immortal.
likes:food,lightning,friends,playing his pan flute thing.
dislikes:shadow bird,getting kicked,and shellfish.
favorite food: mangos
favorite drink:liquefied pizza.
Creshendeath:now that I am here I has a question.
Me:what is it little buddy?
Creshendeath:does anyone want some gems cause I got enough to buy the united sates and half of South America and I don't know what to do with it.
Me:ask around you'll get rid of it edventualy.
