Hikari's Profile

name- Hikari (pronunciation: Hee-kah-ree)
age- 14
gender- male
height- 5'4"
weight- around 103 lbs (slightly underweight)

apperance- Has lightly-tanned skin and bleached-brown hair. Eye color varies between hazel, blue and green. He's tall and somewhat thin. Much of the time, he wears a long, brown cloak over his sleeveless top and shorts (which hides the crescent-and-flame markings on his upper-arms and the back of his neck, but he also has one on his forehead underneath his bangs and one on each of his palms).

likes- Michi, irritating Joel, eating, stargazing

dislikes- What he puts up with depends on his mood. XD

personality- Usually laid-back and a bit air-headed (has a tendency to say random things). He's the type that prefers to grin and bear it rather than pick a fight. However, he has severe (for the sake of not giving too much away, I'll call it) "mood swings" and periods of memory loss.

background- Lives in a backwater town in a fictional realm. Taken in by a woman named Kirsty, and travels around with his friends, Joel and Michi (who are siblings). He can't remember his family or much of his past, and he isn't treated well by most people because of his powers.

current whereabouts-
Recently acquainted with Reka and Naoyuki and joined the OCU. Despite his unpredictability, he's made a few friends, including AlaXastar, Brayan, Playback and Luke. Gabriella and her twin brother, Isaiah, became very close to him. Hikari's taken Isaiah's death very hard and has only recently recovered to the point of near-normalcy, so he can still be a bit touchy. Engage at your own risk with caution.

additional (optional) info~

food- Fish!
drink- juice or water
activity- playing with Michi
manga/anime - Hikari: What are those?

Hikari has the power to absorb energy, usually from light (which is how he got his name), and can also transfer energy to other people or use energy as a weapon. If he doesn't get enough light, he gets weak and switches personalities more often. Using his powers too much also takes a heavy toll on his mind and body.

Relationship Map

Want to introduce yourself, Hikari?

Hikari: Hi! Nice to meet everybody -- Who all is everybody, anyway? *looks at list of members* Wow, look at 'em all! Oh, I remember Reka and Nao from that meme thing! I'll have to go say 'hi' later... (still talking)

Yup. This should be fun. ^^
