Alaxastar's New Wardrobe [RP]

Hey RP-People.
I've been thinking a lot about my OC character development and I want to try something new...Actually, I want to try something old and put it in with the new. Check this out.

What:Alaxastar takes pride in how he dresses a lot, but lately he's been favoring a more ancient look than one would think.
He wants to change his style of dress, something that kinda reflects 18th-19th century British attire, quite like the old Sherlock Holmes, so he wants feedback from friends.

Al and the gang

From now 'till the RP dissipates naturally

Strictly realism

Kenda: "Alright now stay still, I want to get a good frame on you." *Holds Al's head in place*
Al: "Now remember, I want to keep the beard but leave a little stubble on my cheeks...My wife used to like it."
Kenda: "Just make sure I get my money." *Prepares to cut his hair*

Kile: *Reading as he sits next to them both with Gary standing on his head*
