Welcome. To the Otherworlds
I see you are intrested on learning about your Chiro? Then come a little closer and I shall tell you all you need to know

Your Chiro


What your mission is


Point System


Are you worthy enough to become a Chiron?

You must customize your Chiro to fit you and what you think will be best fitting for this journey. Using the following information you should fill out, I will judge whether your strong enough, metally and physically, to do this.
Lets start shall we?

Sign up Form


Black Kiss-Moonsong/Rin-15050 pts Lvl 150
Itachiweasle-Spati/Hela-14250 pts Lvl 142
Brother of Evil
Alicie-Yuuki-4700 pts Lvl 47
Lone Wolf
Dark Magic
CDCDCD89-Tessa/Maria-8500 lvl 85
Opposites Attract
VanillaFantasy-Yuna-3000 lvl 30
Chisana Hikari-Rika-0 lvl 0
Redmoon wolf-Ciel-3000 lvl 30
The Otherside (Where people go after they die)
ZelostheGreat-Cio Arris-3000 lvl 30
Cooki Monstress-Falcon-600 lvl 6

Every time you go up in rank, you can add more specialtys or change your appearance if you want. So first you might be wearing black with white stripes and then you reach amatuer and you decide to go pure black. Whatever goes better with whats happening in the story. The rank your at changes or upgrades your profile entry in other words. Work hard everyone :D
Summary: Stuff you may need to know.

Evil character: Leon

Mission: To destroy the machines that are stealing magic from places in the Otherworlds. Also, to get as much information as possible, the Chiros are "working" with Leon to try and ruin his plan.

(By the way, Lvl 1000 is god level.)

Moonsong~What should i do?

I was standing right in front of the temple. The temple that was the source of the decease in magic. But Spati was inside Leon's castle...what if he's hurt? But im right here! What if i destroy whatevers taking the magic and then leave? But what if Spati's hurt!
I had this little argument in my head for a few minutes untill finally i decided i would hurry and destroy the magic leach. So i entered the temple. It was made of gray marble, nothing to fancy and i entered a giant room. It had a fire in the middle and wood covered the floor. Then there was nothing else.
"I need to hurry and get this over with" thinking outloud. I walked toward the fire and put my hands close to the fire to warm them up. I looked around the room while my hands were roasting. Just wood. I looked at the fire and a gem was placed right in the middle of the fire. I took a piece of wood and tested the jewel but the fire grew and ate the wood then calmed down again. That was wierd.
I took my sword and tried to test the sword that way but the same thing happened only this time it just made the metal hot i could barely hold it. I put it back in its sheath quickly and looked around for something i could use. There was, again, nothing. Should i use my hands? I would get burned. But of course i had nothing anyways so i stuck my hand in the fire. "AHHH!" The fire grew till it reached my elbow. The fire turned blue then yellow untill it rested on red. The pain was excruitiating so i quickly found the jewel, wrapped my fingers around it and pulled my hand out. The fire died down again. My whole arm was burned. It hurt so much
I closed my eyes and concentrated on healing my arm but...nothing happened. Oh yeah, magics gone. Shoot!
Over back by the fire a piece of the wall was missing. In the shape of the jewel...
i walked over and placed the jewel inside the opening. It fit perfectly. I heard some rustling and looked back where the hearth was. The whole fire moved to reveal a set of stairs. I walked down, my arm hurting like hell and my sword ready.
It sucks that that was my good arm.


I woke up again to find myself in the same dark room. I struggled once again and finally the straps came loose. "Alright...I need to figure out where I am...", I said weakly. The whole time I was here, I didn't eat or drink, and there was no light after the crystal died out. I stumbled around until I found the door and opened it. I followed a long dark hallway as it came to a open cavern area. "What is this place...", I said as I felt my way around. Suddenly, a fist caught me in the gut and I toppled over onto the ground. The crystals lit and in front of me was the Large Gilliam, with his spike arm. "Where you going?", he said in broken english. He grabbed me and threw me against a wall, applying force to choke me. "Can't let you go, you stay here...YOU DIE HERE!", he shouted as he threw me into the cieling of the cavern. "I...don't want to use this...", I mumbled as I grabbed my bandaged arms. "No use, you can't use magics!", Gilliam roared as he stepped towards me. I tore the bandages off, reveiling my black claws. THey grew even larger, about the size of a mature dragons claws, and I lunged toward Gilliam. The claws tore threw him and shredded his body like ribbon. Gilliam screamed as his body disintegrated. I was breathing heavily as the arms went back to normal. "Using magic on myself is dangerous, I don't think it's wise to do that again...", I sighed as I walked toward the door leading out of the cavern.


Finally when my sulking moment was over and started walking along. As more monsters kept coming out at me i relized i needed more than a knife. I ripped off my dress and it vanished into storage. It was replaced with a green, short dress and a puffy top underneath. Very comfortable and better for fighting, I took a sword out of my packet (You could put an elephant in there) and strapped it to my side.
As i walked farther to the source of what was draining magic or the weakest point of Luna, i relized a lot of monsters were popping up everywhere. Lvl A were most common but a few C's and B's were popping out and that was as far as my strength could go. I couldn't fight a lvl D or E. Maybe with my friends but alone would be suicidal.
9 lvl A's, 6 lvl B's and 4 lvl C's i defeated untill i finally got to the source. It was a giant castle. Oh where is Spati. I need him!

I closed my eyes and concentrated on his aura. It was faint. Where was he? I also sensed a yellow and orange aura. Tessa. Did she come too? But they were off corse. Not in Luna but a diffrent section of the Otherworlds...was that...

no way.

Tessa~More practice

Spati Showed up just long enough to drop Moonsong's companions off and ask me to heal them, then he was off again.

I dropped to my knees, wondering which one I should work on first--since splitting my attention is beyond difficult.

Once I'd established who needed the most work I got to work.

Hours later I was finished and the two were sleeping peacefully. I stared at them, contemplating what I should do. Should I go after Spati? Not that, as I was now, I was any good at tracking or anything. I was a healer and a fighter--I couldn't do much beyond those things--at least not yet.

Finally, I made up my mind. I stood and spread my wings, heading in the direction that Spati had gone.

I hadn't gone far out of earshot when I saw the distinct signs of battle. Spati! I had to find him! I wished that Moonsong was here--she'd know where he was!

I flew off, using a spiral pattern trying to locate where he was.

After about an hour, I saw a building. Could that be where Spati was? I glided down to investigate, when suddenly, something grabbed me from behind.

I focused my energy, and drove a spike through the things torso. It screamed and let me go, and I ran towards the building, hoping, almost praying that I'd find Spati alive and well inside.

Spati-Back again

I flew out of the realm, but I felt a bit angry that I couldn't help Moonsong. I walked out of the portal, grabbed Littie and Mayura, and then took off to find Tessa. After 30 minutess of flying, I saw her and I landed. "Tessa, can you take care of these two!", I shouted as she turned to me. "Where have you been!?", she asked as I walked up to her. "I'll tell you later, just heal these two...I need to go somewhere.", I shouted as I flew off toward the mountains. I got closer to the portal cliff, but as I got within 50 feet, something hit me and I fell to the ground. I lookd up to see what had hit me and I wasn't happy to see it or them. The shadowed figures floated above me along with Leon. "The Phantasma...", I groaned as I stood up. "Good to see you, bro!", Leon laughed as he pushed his glasses up. "Alright, remember...capture, don't kill him!", Leon shouted to the others as they came down onto me, crushing me into the ground. I coaghed up blood as they jumped away. I stumbled to my feet, and drew my two Chakrams and threw them. They spun and sliced off the arm of the large man from before. "Gilliam!", Leon shouted as the arm fell to the ground. "I know!", the large man shouted back as a large spike came out of the mans arm. Luna spun around as I blocked the spike, and kicked me into the trees. She landed and launched magic at me, which I dodged by a hair. "Awaken Behemoth...Order 4: Genocide!", I shouted as the lkarge black figure/blob rose up and smashed on top of the Phantasma. Blood soaked the ground as the Behemoth rose away reveiling the bodies of the group. "Finally...", I said as I dropped to my knees. Just then the bodies wavered and disappeared and I blacked out. "You didn't think it was that easy did you?", Leons voice laughed as I felt someone throw me onto their back. "Take him to the "Place"!", Leon said as I felt a gust of wind.

I woke up in a dark room, with only a small crystal to light the darkness. "Where am I?", I mumbled as I felt a presence in the room. "Good, you came too, and don't struggle, we tied you down!", Gillian grunted as I heard him leave the room. "What is going on?", I thought to my self as I struggled to free myself but it was useless.