Welcome. To the Otherworlds
I see you are intrested on learning about your Chiro? Then come a little closer and I shall tell you all you need to know

Your Chiro


What your mission is


Point System


Are you worthy enough to become a Chiron?

You must customize your Chiro to fit you and what you think will be best fitting for this journey. Using the following information you should fill out, I will judge whether your strong enough, metally and physically, to do this.
Lets start shall we?

Sign up Form


Black Kiss-Moonsong/Rin-15050 pts Lvl 150
Itachiweasle-Spati/Hela-14250 pts Lvl 142
Brother of Evil
Alicie-Yuuki-4700 pts Lvl 47
Lone Wolf
Dark Magic
CDCDCD89-Tessa/Maria-8500 lvl 85
Opposites Attract
VanillaFantasy-Yuna-3000 lvl 30
Chisana Hikari-Rika-0 lvl 0
Redmoon wolf-Ciel-3000 lvl 30
The Otherside (Where people go after they die)
ZelostheGreat-Cio Arris-3000 lvl 30
Cooki Monstress-Falcon-600 lvl 6

Every time you go up in rank, you can add more specialtys or change your appearance if you want. So first you might be wearing black with white stripes and then you reach amatuer and you decide to go pure black. Whatever goes better with whats happening in the story. The rank your at changes or upgrades your profile entry in other words. Work hard everyone :D
Summary: Stuff you may need to know.

Evil character: Leon

Mission: To destroy the machines that are stealing magic from places in the Otherworlds. Also, to get as much information as possible, the Chiros are "working" with Leon to try and ruin his plan.

(By the way, Lvl 1000 is god level.)

Victor -- A Spark

As Victor stared at the tattoo, something sparked in his brain; an old memory, too hazy too see. Something flitting in and out of the deepest corners of his brain.
He touched Spati's arm lightly, feeling his hand burn. "Spati, It's very sweet of you to try and protect me. . .but. . .I think this is my battle, if it is indeed a battle."
Spati looked at him as if loathe to stop. "But-" he began
"Shhh, I'm a big boy, Spati. I've been alive a lot longer than you think. Besides; only the good die young." He made a wry smile. "I'm far too evil to die just yet."

Spati-Fang of the Serpent

"Victor...", I said as I looked at him..."who is that?", I finished. I looked up at the figure, who was now coming into view. I stood in front of Victor and stared at the person. "If you're going to kill him, then think again!", I said as I layed my left hand over my right arm. Victor looked at my arm and saw the tattoo. "What is that, anyway?", he said. "If I told you..., I don't think you'd be real pleased. I bared my teeth as I dug my nails into my arm. "Now, tell us who you are!", I shouted as my blood ran down my arm. "Or prepare to burn...", I said softly as I wiped the blood down my arm and onto my palm. The tattoo began to glow a bright purple. "What is that!?", Victor shouted as the light filled the tomb.

Victor -- Wretched

Victor looked at the shadow figure, still not able to tell who it was; although, he did have a good idea.

"Have you come to kill me?" He called out softly, smiling.

Spati-The Shadowed figure

I saw that Victor was waking up, that was good. I began to walk toward him at a quickened pace and helped him up. I could see he wasn't well, like he had seen a ghost. "What is this place?", I said as he got his balance back. He looked about me with stumped eyes. "H-how did you get in here?", he said as he looked back over at the entrance. "Well, I used this blade, that I obtained from the god Saga.", I said as I showed him the 11 foot blade. "You did what..!?", he said as the figure began to walk closer to us. "By that statement, I guess you use to know Saga...or knew something about him.", I said with a slacking grin. He leaned back and looked at me, then at the figure coming toward us.

Victor -- Crimson Assassin

Victor opened his eyes. Pain, it was a fact of life. He had grown used to it by now. . .
Voices; who?
Slowly, shakily, Victor stood up.
Spati was standing not far away, talking to someone. Victor looked around, and there he saw the shadowy figure.
"How?" he asked, his fingers shaking slightly. "No one is supposed to know how to get in here."
"Don't you think they should just die, Graves?" Niddhogg's voice. It was only a memory, more memories.
"From now on you are Graves, Victor Graves. . .The Crimson Assassin"