Welcome. To the Otherworlds
I see you are intrested on learning about your Chiro? Then come a little closer and I shall tell you all you need to know

Your Chiro


What your mission is


Point System


Are you worthy enough to become a Chiron?

You must customize your Chiro to fit you and what you think will be best fitting for this journey. Using the following information you should fill out, I will judge whether your strong enough, metally and physically, to do this.
Lets start shall we?

Sign up Form


Black Kiss-Moonsong/Rin-15050 pts Lvl 150
Itachiweasle-Spati/Hela-14250 pts Lvl 142
Brother of Evil
Alicie-Yuuki-4700 pts Lvl 47
Lone Wolf
Dark Magic
CDCDCD89-Tessa/Maria-8500 lvl 85
Opposites Attract
VanillaFantasy-Yuna-3000 lvl 30
Chisana Hikari-Rika-0 lvl 0
Redmoon wolf-Ciel-3000 lvl 30
The Otherside (Where people go after they die)
ZelostheGreat-Cio Arris-3000 lvl 30
Cooki Monstress-Falcon-600 lvl 6

Every time you go up in rank, you can add more specialtys or change your appearance if you want. So first you might be wearing black with white stripes and then you reach amatuer and you decide to go pure black. Whatever goes better with whats happening in the story. The rank your at changes or upgrades your profile entry in other words. Work hard everyone :D
Summary: Stuff you may need to know.

Evil character: Leon

Mission: To destroy the machines that are stealing magic from places in the Otherworlds. Also, to get as much information as possible, the Chiros are "working" with Leon to try and ruin his plan.

(By the way, Lvl 1000 is god level.)

Victor --- Attack!

"Don't patronize me, boy. You're a million years too young to be doing that!" Sneered Victor. . .then came the noise; like a sonic screech. Victor froze. He muttered something, it sounded like a chant of sorts. Again, I was lifted into the a...

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Spati-State of being

That was just the sentence I was waiting for. I laughed aloud with a sarcastic tone. "Finally, we're getting something!", I shouted as I pierced the ground with my blade. "It's blood..., your powers are blood...I'm right aren't I!?", I snickered as I started to chant. "Oh spirits from beyond the void...give this being your attention and show to him the abyss of the beginning, all impurities be made pure and sufferings made known...", I chanted as I generated a ball of gravity around the large cut on his arm as well as on the boy with the broken leg. "This will only stabilize the wound and lessen the pain.", I said as a took a deep breath. "I'm not a healer, but I can at least use gravity to force the bleeding to stop and the broken bone to align.", I finished as I dispersed the hole. "I'll still give you little room to move about, but I'll still let you move...", I continued..."just don't make any funny moves, or try to run away.", I added. The campsite grew silent. "I'm not sure what the others think of my dissicion, but right now that boy needs help and I want answers.", I started as I looked at the girls. "This is my state of being...,I won't let you harm any of my friends that I care about!", I sneered at Victor.

Victor -- Pain

"What are you doing...why are you getting paler...and why is he holding his leg in pain!?" the boy shouted.
Victor looked at me. "Hold on m'dear. I'll get you out of this right after I deal with this adorable little boy over here." he turned to the boy. "I believe he broke his leg, either that or something terribly wrong has happened and I just went out of control. . ." he paused "But since that's impossible, I'd say it's the first option. Now me, my problem is blood loss"
He lifted the left arm and looked at it thoughtfully.
"Maybe I shouldn't have made such a large gash. . .oh well." Victor grinned. "Would you like to see a trick, Spati?" He shouted out.
The boy gasped in surprise.
"Oh yes, I know your name. I know all your names. . ."


I saw that the one in the hole was bleeding. "What are you doing...why are you getting paler...and why is he holding his leg in pain!?", I shouted spitefully as I tightened my grip on my blade. "Answer me and I might just release the hole a bit!", I continued. The guy holding his leg looked like he was in some real pain...and the Victor in the hole was paler. "Hurry!"

Victor --- Conflict

"First. Stay away from him." Victor said, his eyes were icy blue, like two mirrors. The pain in my leg got worse, but I didn't cry out.
"I don't want to hurt you, boy." Victor said. Fat chance of that! We were losing, I could see that.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you who They are. I. . .am not allowed." Victor grimaced as he said that last bit.
By now the blood from his left hand had formed a pool around his feet and he was getting paler and paler.