well moonsong had a solution so I'm staying What will you do the voice in my head chimed." I'll stay... for now I'll sleep the sun will be up soon"I muttered to myself.Wait what was that smell? someone else was here. careful to not wake up Ghosti I jumped up into a tree and looked around the surrounding area. Bingo I spotted the guy or guys to be more exact. They weren't doing anything suspicious but as soon as they did I would cast a spell
strong enough to do some serious damage. I guess I would get some practice in, things were finally going my way for once. Waiting for the slightest move I gently layed down on the branch and kept watch.
"Hey everyone we're back"Spati called out I jumped to a lower branch so I could be seen."Does anyone feel like we're being watched?" I was about to say somthing but then he continued "come out, we know your here!"The two I was watching earlier came out "whats your name?" Spati called out
"Victor" he said with a grin. The smell of blood was really strong and that got my adrenaline going.
"This cant be good" I muttered