With releif of his freind spati's recovery Lepidus decides that he will scout ahead to ensure that their route was safe to travel on. "Im glad you recovered my freind." Ill be back within an hour im going to scout the terrain ahead, and if I dont return in an hour assume the worst and move ahead without me." Lepidus gives his new freinds one last quick grin and darts into the forest. - what is the possibility that their could be more danger ahead....i really dont know but i can probally conceal myself better than they could as a group so to ensure my freinds survival i need to do this for them afterall they are basically excepting me as their own........ I owe it to them......-sigh what am I saying owe it to myself." " My whole life I have been given everything ive ever wanted without even haveing to break a sweat....but not anymore im no pompous snuck up prince ....I can do things right by myself.....and if i dont attempt to......then how will I ever learn." Lepidus stops and listens to his suroundings..........."Its quite...a little too quiet for my own comfort.......does that make this area safe?" Lepidus smiles to himself......" I doubt it, but i must venture forth into the brush I have only a little less than an hour left." Lepidus darts into the brush
Lepidus -ventures ahead-