Victor --- Oh Dear

I squirmed. Moonsong didn't like us, that much I could tell.
"Suit yourself," Victor said winking. "I'll just sit here by the fire and watch out for scary monsters." He grinned "Sleep while you can cutie." This comment was addressed to Spati. I glared and whacked him. "Shut your trap, mate." I hissed.
"In all seriousness, we should all rest. We've a very arduous trip ahead of us." He sighed at stretched out.
I stared into the fire. Why were we here, anyway? We were hated by all of the little group. . .we should have just left them. Someone grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. When I looked down I saw Victor smiling reassuringly up at me. He winked as if to say "It'll be alright, kid."
