" Oh Spati he's the best he lives to smite the rest and lead us through and through soooo heroically alongside him here comes a song soo sweet though shy is she down underneath her smile glows while Ghosti blows her nose and all of our heros begin to single and mingle merrily. Now here sits Yuuki all alone and frail now in her heart she hides the shard that keeps her from joining in the fun though emos tend to run from social activity. Victor and victor side by side oh dear lord Spati had better hide what could the Victor's have in store for him ,we soon shall see. Now Lepidus he's an awesome guy and we all know he loves to write on stary nights and steal the hearts of many with his songs and lullabys that sing a song so soft and sweet." Yes these heroes are the ones who rest inside this fairey tale what will happen? will they pass or will they fail? - tune plays for awhile - yes we soon shall see." - Lepidus looks at his notes......."..of all the crap I have ever written.....this fils the toilet he rips it up...."time to start over."
Lepidus -an ode to freind ship-