
"Do something to me? He did everything to me!" Victor sat down, pulling his knees up to his chin, he hid his face. "I know what it's like. . .you have to be careful. He says things, nasty things, then he leaves and you're left wondering what happened. He tries to make you think his thoughts, do what he wants. . .kill who he hates." Victor let out a long sigh and looked up at Spati, his eyes were red rimmed. "The last time we met it wasn't pretty. I cut his heart out with my bare hands, I burned his body. What a fool I was, thinking that could be enough. . .he did horrible things, Spati! Believe me. . .I-I also did horrible things. Don't let him in your head, he'll have no power over you if you take my advice. . .and when that bastard comes back I'll kill him, and I won't stop at ripping his heart out, oh no. . ." Victor sliced a finger open viciously, watching as the blood slowly dripped on his knee. "he'll never harm anyone again. I'll see to that."
