Moonsong~Is there no peace anywhere?

I was still having a FANTASTIC time in water that felt like silk and as cold as a icecube which felt great against the heat. "Maybe I should go get Ghosti and Yuuki to come join me?" Then I would have to get out so I decided against it. I swam to the shore and rubbed Litties lil fur. He started making a growl slash purring sort of sound. I hope that was a good sign...again. Suddenly I heard a loud splash and i moved toward the sound. I hid behind a large rock and slipped under water. "Spati!" I shouted but only bubles came out. I was blushing like crazy. I went above water and so did Spati after a minute or two. "W-w-what are you doing in here! You were talking to Victor just a minute ago and..." Look at me. Im so stupid. "Y-you-you!" I was blushing furiously. I hid behind the rock. YOU stay over here. I get this end. And no peeking okay?" I still wanted to enjoy my bath. I guess so did Spati so I let him. I was still so embarrased. Why didn't I keep my cloths on? IS THERE NO PEACE ANYWHERE!!!
