Spati- Back from the dead

Name: Spati

Gender: Male

Appearance: Long moon white hair, slightly closed crystal blue eyes, pale skin, muscular, wears a long white cloak and black/white baggy pants, also has 4 wings two black and two white. Has a tattoo of a black dragon on right arm

Personality: quiet and calm, but likes to have fun when needed. He is calculatng and very protective. He is sometimes(but very little) quick to anger.

element: space

specialties: Black hole creation, gravity control, and minor universal(creation) control.

weapon: A long bow. The top half is the shape of an angel wing, the bottom half is a bat wing.

other: Spati absorbed Niddhogg so that Spati can now use Niddhogg's abilities. The tattoo on his right arm can, when needed, become an actual black dragon made of black flame that Spati can control with his right hand. This black dragon is Niddhogg's real form.
