Spati- Saga's Sword

I stepped into the darkness of the cave. "Man, it's hard to see.", I said as I stumbled over rocks and roots. I sighed and held my hand out in front of me. "Restriction #2...release!", I shouted as I started to created a ball of starlight in the palm of my hand. "Code 0, activate.", I finished as the ball of light flew in front of me, lighting the tunnel. "Thats better!", I said with a smile as I continued to walk deeper into the cave. After what seemed like 15 minutes, I came to a cavern with a waterfall in it. In the middle of the cavern, was a large sword, about 10 feet in the air stuck in the rock face. "Well...that's a nice sword.", I said with a laugh as I made my way to the center of the cave. "Now, how do I get it?", I thought to myself. Suddenly, a large black figure shot out of the darkness. The cavern quacked as the figure stepped forth in front of me. "WHO ENTERS THY CAVE?",the voice was thundering and my ears were hurting from it. The shadows retreated from the figure as it bent down. I looked up to see a giant man looking down on me. He had grey hair, and a very muscular build, and he was about 10 feet tall, from what I could see. My name is Spati!", I said as he leaned back and towered over me. "FOOLISH BOY...I AM SAGA, THE ALL SEEING GIANT!", his voice thundered as I stepped back. I noticed that he had a crystal in his right eye socket. "Must be his weak point.", I said to myself quitely. "I want the blade you hold up there!", I shouted as I pointed to the rock face. Saga stared down at me with a look of anger. "YOU WHO HOLD THE SERPENT NIDDHOGG...SEEK MY SWORD...YOU MUST DEFEAT ME!", he belowed. I stared at him with a defiant look, but inside my mind, I was freaking out.
