Spati- Updated Again

Name: Spati

Gender: Male

Appearance: long silver hair with black tips, blue right eye and yellow left eye, clawed hands with arms wrapped in bandages, 60 wings(30 white and 30 black), wings fold to create a hooded cloak and a black slim dragon like tail, and has four silver horns on side of head. Has a large red mark on right side because of corrosion.

Personality: calculating, anger issues against brother, calm, protective, kind

Element: Space/Creation

Specialties: black hole creation, gravity control, minor universal(creation) control, and moderate universal(creation) control, massive universal (creation) control, almighty universal(creation) control, Space guardian summoning, can transform into into a black feathery dragon.

Weapon: claws, wings, tail, and a double sided scythe

other: Wings can wrap around Spati and become a cloak used to become invisible and step into other dimensions, as well as grab objects as if it had arms. Keeps arms and tail hidden. Transforms into a dragon. Can also at times become a girl (Hela) when he needs to heal the corrosion
