Victor -- The Moon

As Victor looked up he felt an urge to run. Just run away, far away.
"They don't need me, right? They have protection." Victor stood up "I mean, if they could defeat NiddHogg, then they've got nothing to fear, right?" He asked himself.
Slicing his arm open he transformed his blood into a set of magnificent wings and leaped, laughing wildly.
Soaring higher and higher, as if he could touch the moon Victor stretched out his arm, grasping the air.
I'm going crazy, aren't I? Victor thought to himself.
Suddenly he started plummeting toward the ground, faster than a bullet.
For a wild moment a thought ran through his head; What if he didn't stop before he hit the earth? What if he just let himself drop to the ground?
Victor landed gently. What was he thinking? He couldn't die just yet. . .not yet. There were so many things he didn't know. Plus, he had to see someone before he died.
"I wonder. . ." he thought to himself "what the others are doing?"
Damn. He had gotten so used to company he was starting to feel lonely.
He hated that hollow feeling in his chest, it was something he had abandoned, something he had never hoped to regain.
Looking up at the moon he sighed and closed his eyes.

He was far away, it was long before any of this had happened. He and Ji Soon Shi were standing watching the moon, drinking soju.
"I admire you, Graves. You seem so free, so able to do anything you want. . .never caring." Ji Soon Looked at him and bit her lip. "I wish I could be that free."
Victor laughed "I'm not free, none of us are; I'm just better at pretending!" Then, without warning he leaned over and quickly kissed Ji Soon on the lips. Before she could react he leaped up and stretched.
"Goodnight captain." He winked and walked off.

Opening his eyes Victor kicked the ground viciously. "Fichue lune!" He spat.

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