Moonsong~Were all together again!... Almost

Once I woke up, I smelled blood. I looked around fast. Mayura growled deep in her throat and Littie hid in my pouch. I heard rustaling from over to the left. Wait, the right? No its was behind me! I relized it was coming from everywhere! Something emurgered from the brush. A big ugly monster. It was gray and looked like it used to have skin but all that was left was this sulking gray waterish look! It was awful to even look at! It was in rags and had red eyes that had a hurtful look in it eyes. I felt sorry for it...for a split second untill more appeared all around me. They were moaning. All moaning awful moans full of sorrow and hate. I screamed! It was awful! The sounds echoed through my body and I felt like I was one of them. Moaning for what I have done. What have I done? I dont get it? Am I going insane? I stopped and fell to the floor. They advanced on me. But I couldn't move. Something was keeping me still. And they kept coming closer...slower untill they scraped and clawed at me. I felt wet. And I knew it wasn't water. Suddenly something dark moved. And the monsters screamed. It was Yuuki!
She licked her knife. "How could you let something advance on you. So unlike you, Moonsong" Then she started slashing. They were gaining on her. I tried to move but instant excruiciating pain shot up every bone I had. But I moved forward. And shot my arm to the left. "aaaugh!" the pain was awful. I had managed to punch something and I had inserted magic into the demon and it exploded in a cloud of dust.

All I could hear, was the sound of battle and the awful, awful moaning. Why it was so awful to me but Yuuki unaffected by it, I still dont know.
