Sage- making nice

I watched the tall guy lean ontu his knife. ewwww he thought he looked intimidating. I smiled and shrugged leaning on a tree.

"My names sage." I told them simply. I looked at them all. "And you are?" I asked them. The girl with white hair introduced herself first.

"My names moonsong. We might as well get elements out of the way so mines the moon." She sat on the ground next to the passed out girl. Leaning on the rock. I looked at the guy.

"Im Spati....My elements space." He looked over at ghosti and then back at me. "Whats yours?" He asked me.

"Fire I said simply. I nodded my head at the girl. "Who's she?" I asked. Spati looked at the girl and back at me.

"Her names Ghosti and her elements spirit. Thats why shes passed out. She saved my life." He looked back at the Ghost girl and frowned sadly.

"How van I help?" I asked them.
