
I looked at her angry face and sighed. Sudden;y, a hand struck my face and I and looked up. Ghosti had hit me. My grin disappeared and was replaced by a ticked off look. I'm not one to anger...but this time, I'll make an exception. "DO YOU NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT NIDDHOGG!?", I shouted as I rose to my feet and looked at her. "WERE YOU PLANNING TO THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY...WERE YOU...YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT NIDDHOGG, HOW DO YOU THINK IT WOULD HAVE ENDED, HUH!?", I was ticked to the extreme, all I could do is shout. Ghosti looked at me, and wanted to relpy but nothing happened. "DO YOU KNOW THAT HE IS SPACE...THAT HE IS JUST LIKE LUNA...HE'S IMMORTAL...HE KNOWS EVERY LOOPHOLE, EVERY TRICK! HE WOULD JUST WAIT TO CONSUME YOU AND STEAL YOUR BODY!", I glared at Ghosti, who was startingt to shake. "I just wanted to help!", she shouted back. "THIS IS MY PROBLEM...SO DON'T TRY TO HELP ME...I DON'T WANT ANYONE BEING HURT BY HIM!", I shouted as Ghosti dropped to her knees crying. I was furious and it was hard for me to become calm.
